Tuesday, September 14, 2010

10 Things I've Learned From Having Kids

1.  A pirate patch is an accessory.
2.  Words like "pee," "poop,"and "butt" are insanely funny to kids.
3.  It's possible to have an intense fascination with ONE thing for over two years.
4.  Two - year olds do NOT care what you say.
5.  It's possible to go from a state of total  anger to loving maternal bliss in a matter of seconds. (and vice verca)
6.  Thumb sucking may be bad for their teeth but man it's cute!
7.  Saying "poopoo goes on the potty" does not mean that they actually know how to do it.   
8.  It's really really really hard not to laugh sometimes.
9.  99% of what you take for granted as fact amazes and/or perplexes them.
10.  Kids seem to remain the same age for months and then in one statement or action show that they have grown 2 years in maturity.
...and BONUS #11:  I never knew I could love any 4 little people so much.